
EPA Reportedly Ditches Hardship Waiver Fix

DanEnergy, Industry News Release

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has ditched a proposal to make up for lost biofuel volumes stemming from hardship waivers as part of the Renewable Fuel Standard.

epaThe plan was seen as a fix for the waivers granted generously by the EPA under former administer Scott Pruitt, which lowered biofuel volumes by granting refiners a break from the rules. The plan would boost the renewable fuel blending obligation to 11.76 percent from 10.88 percent to offset volumes lost under the waiver program. However, pressure from the refining industry has kept the plan stalled, and now apparently thrown out.

The plan was first rumored when Sonny Perdue talked of a meeting with Pruitt earlier this year, asking for a hardship waiver fix. In April, Perdue told Congress that from USDA’s standpoint, “our conclusion is that’s direct demand destruction.”

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting News Service.