EPA Proposal for Cut to Corn Ethanol


The Environmental Protection Agency proposed a 10-percent cut in how much corn ethanol will be in the Renewable Fuel Standard.
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National Corn Growers Association President Martin Barbre says NCGA believes this move by EPA is political – and says the blame to a great extent lies with the oil industry. Barbre says NCGA and its state affiliates have pulled out all the stops to try to engage its 40,000 members. But Barbre says the RFS and the proposed cut in corn ethanol shouldn’t just be an issue for corn growers – but for everyone involved in agriculture and outside of agriculture. Barbre encourages everyone affected by a farmer dollar to visit the NCGA website and leave a comment for the EPA that the corn ethanol level in the RFS should be restored to its original mandated level of 14.4-billion gallons for 2014. Click here for more information.