
EPA Changes Pesticide Registration Practices

Sabrina HalvorsonIndustry

Pesticide Registration

There will now be additional steps taken before the environmental protection agency approves any new pesticide active ingredients. In a news release, the agency said it is reversing decades of practice and taking action to further the Agency’s compliance with the Endangered Species Act when evaluating and registering new pesticide active ingredients.

Effective immediately, before EPA registers any new conventional active ingredient, the Agency will evaluate the potential effects of the AI on federally threatened or endangered species, and their designated critical habitats. It will also initiate Endangered Species Act consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Marine Fisheries Service as appropriate.

Previously, EPA did not consistently assess the potential effects of conventional pesticides on listed species when registering new active ingredients. They say this resulted in insufficient protections for listed species, as well as resource-intensive litigation against EPA.