
EPA Announces $21.7 Million in Grant Funding for Rural Water Projects

Brian GermanRadio Reports, Water

Rural Water Projects

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) expects to issue by October 15 a $21.7 million grant funding opportunity to support small drinking water and wastewater systems in rural communities. EPA Assistant Administrator for Water Radhika Fox comments that through the program, “EPA is able to meet the specific needs of small drinking water and wastewater systems to help improve water quality.”

The EPA says small water systems often face unique financial and operational challenges, including aging infrastructure, workforce shortages, increasing costs, and declining rate bases. EPA anticipates the funding opportunity announcement will solicit projects that provide training and technical assistance to small public water systems, small wastewater systems, and private well owners across the country.

Eligible applicants are expected to be nonprofit organizations, nonprofit private universities and colleges, and public higher education institutions. Applicants will have 60 days to apply, and EPA expects to award cooperative agreements by Spring 2022.

The National Association of Farm Broadcasting and the American Farm Bureau Federation contributed to this report.

EPA Announces $21.7 Million in Grant Funding for Rural Water Projects