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Post-Election Flurry of Environmental Rules Expected

DanEnergy, Industry News Release

environmental biofuel corn stalk ethanol gas pump
A Wall Street Journal reporter says the Obama administration is readying at least five environmental regulations to issue within the next two months. Amy Harder reports that four of the rules are at the Department of Interior while another lies with the Environmental Protection Agency—being the volume targets for the Renewable Fuel Standard. The EPA sent the new RFS volume targets to the White House Office of Management and Budget last month for review. The White House has until the end of this month to finalize the volumes. Under statute, the EPA is required to set a volume target for corn ethanol at 15 billion gallons for 2017. However, the EPA proposal in May set the target at 14.2 billion gallons. Other regulations expected by the Obama administration include governing of renewable energy development on federal lands, an offshore oil and gas leasing plan, methane standards for oil and gas wells on public lands and a stream-protection rule for coal mining.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.