Ensuring Future Success Through Supporting Ag Education

Brian GermanEducation

Ag education

Ag education is an area that often relies on external support from educational organizations and agricultural entities. Farm Credit is one of these entities. Jeana Hultquist, the Vice President of Legislative Affairs at American Ag Credit, believes in the value of agricultural education and the importance of kids understanding where their food comes from.

American Ag Credit is a member of the Farm Credit System. This is a nationwide system that provides credit and services to farmers and ranchers across the United States. American Ag Credit specifically deals with Northern California, parts of the Central Valley, and Southern California.

With many agriculture education organizations being non-profits, raising the funds to develop resources and help agriculture educators can be difficult. Supportive entities, such as Farm Credit, are often vital in the progression of agriculture education innovations.

“Part of Farm Credit’s mission is to not only provide credit and services to farmers and ranchers, but to make sure that young, and beginning, and small farmers have access to education,” Hultquist said. “That really starts with kids knowing where their food comes and how it’s grown all the way up to and including those farmers that actually provide it.”

Farm Credit provides support to organizations for the purpose of helping students and teachers have better educational experiences. Farm Credit believes the future of agriculture hinges on students and the general public being educated on the origins of their food.

“We are very cognizant of the different programs and the different non-profits available out there in California,” said Hultquist. “We’ve been involved with the California FFA Foundation for many, many years. In fact, I serve on their board.”

Several organizations are aided by Farm Credit. California FFA is one that American Ag Credit and Jeana Hultquist are specifically associated with, but Ag in the Classroom and Center for Land-Based Learning also receive support. All aspects of agriculture education are supported by the Farm Credit system.

The future of agriculture relies on an educated public. Farm Credit and American Ag Credit find value in investing in ag education to ensure this goal is met. Not only for the sake of business and the agriculture industry, but because these companies also work to support local communities.