earth day

Earth Day Adoption

DanThis Land of Ours

earth day
Cathy Isom fills us in on how to do something out of this world to celebrate Earth Day this year. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Earth Day Adoption

Earth Day is still a little more than a week away, on April 22nd, but there’s at least one way to start celebrating right now. For example, adopting your very own piece of the Earth! NASA is inviting everyone from around the world to virtually “adopt” one of 64,000 individual pieces of our planet as seen from space. Your personalized adoption certificate will feature data from NASA’s Earth observing satellites for a randomly assigned location.
earth day
You can print your location, share it on social media, and explore other locations with an interactive map. NASA’s view of Earth from space provides a perspective that can’t be gained from the ground thanks to its satellites that circle the entire globe. You’ll be able to see where people live, remote parts of deserts, mountains, and the vast oceans that are difficult to see if not impossible to visit.

To learn more about adopting your piece of Earth, log on to

I’m Cathy Isom…

About the Data from NASA

NASA’s view of Earth from space provides a perspective that can’t be gained from the ground. Satellites circle the entire globe, seeing both where people live and the remote parts of deserts, mountains, and the vast oceans that are difficult if not impossible to visit. With instruments in orbit, scientists get data for the entire planet in detail that they can’t get anywhere else. This view from NASA’s fleet of 18 Earth science missions in space is supported by aircraft, ships, ground observations and data from satellites operated by other space agencies.

Read more About the Data.