Early Season Freeze Causes $30 Million in Damage for California Olives

Brian GermanTree, nut & vine crops, Weather

California olive oil production has taken a significant hit as a result of the devastating freeze back in February. President and CEO of the American Olive Oil Producers Association Kimberly Houlding said that production is expected to drop to 1.8 million gallons. Production was three million gallons for the last harvest year. Houlding said there is some hope for the potential of Congress providing additional funding support for disaster assistance, which could help growers mitigate losses from freeze damage.

California Olives

“Our growers are really going to be feeling the impact with an estimated $30 million in California alone lost due to the freeze. So, we’re looking to seek additional assistance,” Houlding noted. “Many of our producers at least in California are eligible for crop insurance and we continue to try to work to improve that program but in a year like this, that falls short.”

Listen to the radio report below.

Early Season Freeze Causes $30 Million in Damage for California Olives
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Brian German

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Ag News Director, AgNet West