
Drawbacks of Planting Fast-Growing Trees

DanThis Land of Ours


Cottonwood Tree

In yesterday’s program, Cathy Isom gave us the advantages of fast-growing trees being planted. Today, Cathy discusses the drawbacks of planting fast-growing trees. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Drawbacks of Planting Fast-Growing Trees

Mountain Ash Tree

While there are many advantages of planting fast-growing trees, there are also some disadvantages. That’s why it’s important to do your homework when considering the different varieties of trees to ensure you get a well-rounded picture of each one.

Common problems with rapid growers include weak woodedness, disease susceptibility, and vulnerability to frost. Proper placement and care should also be taken to avoid problems that may arise due to aggressive root systems.

Consider a tree’s mature size and choose a variety that’s compatible with your property size and location. Some fast growing trees such as the cottonwood has weak wood because of its rapid growth. This can cause many broken limbs during a storm with heavy winds. Other fast-growing trees can develop aggressive root structures that surface with age and cause damage to structures such as sidewalks.

I’m Cathy Isom…