Demand for Action in Water Crisis

Taylor HillmanCattle, Citrus, Corn, Cotton, Energy, Field & Row Crops, Forage Crops, General, Grain, Specialty Crops, Sugar, Water

David Valadao

David Valadao

The state’s water crisis takes center stage as some California lawmakers tell the governor and the president, it’s time for them to take action. Sabrina Hill has more.
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Congressman David Valadao and Senator Jean Fuller joined with leaders from Central California water boards to publicly send a message to Governor Jerry Brown and President Barack Obama, insisting that they bring attention to the severe consequences related to our drought situation.

The group called on President Obama and Governor Brown to take immediate action to address the water shortage.

The following is a news release from Valadao’s office:

United States Congressman David G. Valadao (CA-21) and California Senator Jean Fuller (SD-18) joined together at a press event in Bakersfield where they delivered an update on California’s 2014 water situation and reiterated their request that President Barack Obama and Governor Jerry Brown take immediate action to address the catastrophic effects of what is shaping up to be another dry water-year for the State.

Jim Beck of Kern County Water Agency, Ron Jacobsma of Friant Water Users Authority, Dan Vink of Lower Tule River and Pixley Irrigation Districts and Jason Peltier of Westlands Water District accompanied Congressman Valadao and Senator Fuller delivering their own messages regarding the current water situation as well.

Over the last several years, naturally occurring dry conditions in the State of California have been exacerbated by government bureaucracy and environmental regulations that prevent water deliveries through the Delta.

Earlier this month, Congressman Valadao and Senator Fuller were joined by every Californian Republican from the U.S. House of Representatives and 34 Members of the California State Senate and Assembly in sending a letter urging President Obama and Governor Brown utilize their executive authority to alleviate the effects of drought. The letter also stressed the need for additional water storage and assured protections of water right priorities in order to ensure an affordable, reliable water supply for California’s families and farms.

“Like various regions in our State, my District in the Central Valley is extremely affected by this on-going man-made drought. Farmers and farm-workers, families, and communities throughout my District continue to suffer as the Endangered Species Act and other regulatory barriers have starved them of desperately needed water.” He continued, “I am excited to join my colleagues in the House, Senator Fuller and her colleagues in the California State Legislature as we work together to find a sensible solution for our constituents.”
– Congressman David G. Valadao (CA-21)

“California cannot afford to wait any longer to address the lack of a reliable water storage and delivery system. The recent water allocation announcement by the California Department of Water Resources further highlights the dire situation we are facing for the coming years. This problem needs the immediate attention of both national and state leaders and needs action now. It is my hope that action is taken and I will continue to work with my Legislative colleagues and Congressional delegation on a solution that’s right for the whole of California.”
– Senator Jean Fuller (SD-18)

“The announcement last month of an initial 5% allocation for our farmers and small businesses is unacceptable, and puts the livelihoods of hardworking Californians in Central and Southern California in jeopardy. Our farmers and businesses deserve to receive the water they contract and pay for, but the environmental regulations in the Delta prioritize fish over people. A stable and adequate water supply is critical for our local community and our state, and we will continue to fight for immediate action to be taken to increase vital water supplies for our communities to flourish.”
– Congressman Kevin McCarthy (CA-21)

“Having received yet another inadequate water allocation, Central Valley farmers desperately need relief. Not many countries in human history have thrived by systematically starving their most productive farmers of water, and there is no reason to believe the United States will be an exception. These destructive environmental regulations must be permanently repealed.”
– Congressman Devin Nunes (CA-22)

“Water has always been an especially vital and precious resource to California’s cities and farms. Most of the California’s reservoirs are already at dangerously low levels and next year’s projected water supply allocation will not protect our state against drought or natural disaster. I join with my California colleagues in the House in calling for an improved and reliable 2014 water plan that will ensure the people, economy, and agriculture of our state are protected from catastrophe.”
– Congressman John Campbell (CA-45)

“Roughly half of California’s water is consumed by environmental regulations. These laws are not only squandering our existing water supply, they are blocking the construction of any new storage that might relieve the current shortages. Drought is the catalyst, but the underlying problem is not an act of God but rather acts of government. I remain committed to restoring rational federal water policies that allow for the creation of abundant water and electricity, rather than government-imposed rationing.”
– Congressman Tom McClintock (CA-04)

“A solution to stabilize Central and Southern California’s water allocation needs to be implemented immediately. The initial 5% water allocation projections recently announced by the California Department of Water Resources will cause the ongoing water crisis in Central and Southern California to worsen. It is unfair to deny families and businesses access to a stable and affordable water supply. I am pleased to join with California’s Congressional delegation and State legislators in urging President Obama and Governor Brown to immediately increase vital water resources for our region.”
– Congressman Gary Miller (CA-31)

“Misguided environmental regulations and natural drought conditions threaten to take thousands of acres of valuable farmland out of production and jeopardize our state’s economy. I’m calling on our Governor, our federal delegation in Congress and the President to take immediate action to improve California’s water supplies stemming from decreases in federal and state government allocations. California farmers and residents deserve a clean and reliable supply of water. A severe water shortage due to government cutbacks only threatens to derail our slow economic recovery in California.”
– Senate Republican Leader Bob Huff (SD-29)

“The health and well-being of our Valley residents and economy depend on a safe and reliable water supply. I call upon the President and Governor to take action and give the Valley a much-needed lifeline as we enter what is expected to be another dry year.”
– Assembly Republican Leader Connie Conway (AD-26)

“A reliable water supply is an essential element of California’s economy. Given the federal government’s role in California water policy, it is essential that President Obama and Congress take the lead in providing relief to California farmers.”
– Assemblyman Katcho Achadjian (AD-35)

“If President Obama and Governor Brown fail to come together to make water infrastructure and storage a top priority next year, California’s water crisis will continue to be a nightmare. I urge them to do what is best for our families and our farmers, and not to let misguided environmental priorities take precedent.”
– Assemblyman Brian Jones (AD-71)

“California’s future depends on our water infrastructure’s ability to provide an affordable water supply to the entire state. We need to pursue innovative water solutions to ensure all Californians have reliable sources of water.”
– Assemblyman Travis Allen (AD-72)

“We appreciate the efforts of Congressman Valadao, State Senator Jean Fuller and many other elected officials at both the federal and state levels to bring more attention to the need for immediate action for regulatory relief. With 2014 shaping up to be one of the driest calendar years on record, Kern County’s water users will be utilizing all available resources and strategies to meet our local water demands. Implementing less onerous regulatory restrictions will be a necessary part of the portfolio of actions that will need to be taken.”
– Jim Beck; General Manager, Kern County Water Agency

“We appreciate the efforts of Congressman Valadao and many other elected officials at both the federal and state levels to bring more attention to the need for immediate action for regulatory relief while respecting water right priorities to improve water supplies for 2014 and beyond.”
– Steve Chedester; General Manager, San Joaquin River Exchange Contractors Water Authority

“The depth of the water crisis in the Central Valley is unprecedented and it’s time to move from rhetoric to action – something that makes a difference. To do that, we need serious and committed leadership in Washington DC and Sacramento and we need it now. Failure to act will cripple the cities, families and farms that make up the backbone of the state.”
– Dan Vink; General Manager, Lower Tule River Irrigation District

“All Californians would benefit from a more flexible management of our water resources by state and federal regulators. In addition, each year we delay a permanent delta fix is a year closer to disaster for our economy. Finally, it appears that 2014 will be another challenging water year and direct leadership from the President and the Governor are needed now more than ever.”
– Brett R. Barbre; Director, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California