Cathy Isom tells you about some delicious leafy greens to grow in your garden. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.
Leafy greens bring flavor and crunch to your kitchen table. Whether it’s in a sandwich, salad or a snack you’ll want to make sure to grow these great greens in your garden this year.
Lettuce is mostly water, but it provides vitamins A, C, K and minerals like calcium folate and potassium. It’s easy to grow your own at home in well-drained soil with lots of organic matter. Romaine, Cabbage, and turnip are always on top of the list. Maybe branch out a little and try planting some Mizuna – also called Japanese mustard. Purple in color and has a mild peppery taste. Eat the leaves fresh, or stir fry, steam and pickle them. Collards are popular in Southern gardens but are also easy to grow just about anywhere as long as they are planted in the cool weather of spring or fall. Add a little tangy bite to your salads by planting Arugula. But be sure to harvest before the leaves become too strong for your taste. Swiss chard, also called silver beet or leaf beet is a pretty leafy green to grow. It’s leaves and stalks are edible.
I’m Cathy Isom…