Dairy Leader Program Accepting Applications

DanDairy & Livestock, Industry News Release

April 4, 2014 is the deadline to apply for Western United Dairymen’s highly successful California Dairy Leaders Program. Designed to train the next generation of California’s dairy leaders, the leadership program consists of several sessions devoted to developing a better understanding of the economic, legislative, marketing, and environmental issues facing the industry.

Eligible participants must be actively involved in milk production, be able to spend the necessary time in class, as well as studying resource materials, and be able to commit to visits to locations such as Sacramento and Washington DC. Industry members can download applications by clicking here.
The program application process this year is being opened up to individuals in allied industries. Allied member applications can be downloaded by clicking here.

The year-long program kicks off in the spring. Topics include environmental issues, the state and federal legislative process, dairy pricing and economics, biotechnological developments, marketing and promotion, and public relations skills. Participants will develop and enhance their leadership skills through communication, business etiquette, negotiation skills, time management, and team building workshops. Instruction will be provided by recognized experts in their field.

Class enrollment will be limited to ensure one-on-one instruction. The program enrollment fee of $750 should be submitted with letters of recommendation. Further information is available by contacting Western United Dairymen at (209) 527-6453.