CVP Adds Water Supply Hold for Northern California

Brian GermanRadio Reports, Water

The California Bureau of Reclamation has put water supply allocations on hold for Central Valley Project (CVP) water contractors located north of the Delta. The bureau said the announcement is in response to worsening water availability conditions in the state. 

In February, the bureau announced a 5% water allocation for contractors both north and south of the Delta in the CVP. South-of-Delta contractors were notified in March that their 5% allocation was on hold due to lack of rain and snowfall. Just over a month later, north-of-delta contractors received the same news. The bureau stated in the release that the water supply allocations are on hold until further notice. 

North-of-delta contractors get their water from canals and basins such as Shasta Dam, Tehama-Colusa Canal, Folsom Dam and the Sacramento River Water Rights Settlement.

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CVP Adds Water Supply Hold for Northern California
About the Author

Taylor Hillman