The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is in the middle of the 2021 Organic Survey. USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service will be collecting data from organic farmers and ranchers through April 4. The purpose of the survey is to get a better understanding of the overall organic industry, through gathering information on certified organic crops and various livestock commodities.

“We continue to receive requests for updated data on organic farms, especially to measure growth in the production sector of the organic industry,” Chief of NASS’ Census Planning Branch, Donald Buysse said in a press release. “According to the 2019 survey, U.S. certified organic producers sold a total of $9.93 billion in products, up 31% over 2016. That is a significant increase, and this upcoming survey will help determine if that type of growth has been sustained.”
NASS has been mailing survey information to all certified organic farms and ranches in the county. The organic survey data is essential for determining the overall economic impact of organic production in the U.S. Survey questionnaires ask organic producers about acreage, sales, production, and marketing approaches. Participants in the survey have the option to respond by mail or through the new online Respondent Portal. “This voluntary survey gives all organic farmers and ranchers who receive it an opportunity to impact the industry,” said Buysse.
The survey data is used in a variety of ways. USDA’s Risk Management Agency incorporates survey information in evaluating crop insurance coverage. All information submitted as part of the survey will remain confidential. Once the data is compiled, it will be presented in a report to be released by NASS on December 15, 2022. Statistical reports like the one to be developed from the organic survey play a critical role in keeping industry members and policy makers informed. More information about the survey is available online from NASS.