crop reports

Top Crop Reports Show Decrease

Taylor HillmanDairy & Livestock, Specialty Crops, Tree, nut & vine crops

2015 Crop reports are coming in across the state. Some counties showed an increase but a few of the top counties showed a significant decrease.

Counties around the state are presenting their annual crop reports. For Tulare County, which has held the number one spot in the nation for the past two years, the numbers were down by 13.7 percent for total gross production. That amounts to just over a billion dollars. However, Tulare County remains the top producing county in the nation with a total crop value of $6.9 billion. It is also the top dairy county in the nation, with the 2015 milk production of $1.7 billion.

Fresno County also saw a decrease in crop production. It’s numbers were down 6.55 percent, to a gross production value of $6.6 billion. Almonds continue to be the top commodity in Fresno County, with more than 18 percent of the crop value being in almonds.

Monterey County saw an increase in production value of 7.75 percent, or $348 million over the previous years. Total production value for Monterey County in 2015 was $4.84 billion.