Crop Production Report

DanCommodity Report, Industry News Release

crop productionThe USDA-NASS, Pacific Regional Office released the crop production forecast for May. The latest survey, conducted during the last week of April 2016, and the first week of May 2016, included the commodities:

Almonds – The 2016 California almond production (shelled basis) is forecast at 2.00 billion pounds, up 6 percent from the 2015 production of 1.89 billion pounds. The almond bloom began in mid-February, slightly later than the previous season. The 2016 bloom was fast and fairly uniform, with good weather conditions. However, after the bloom heavy winds accelerated nut drop.

Peaches – The California 2016 peach crop is forecast at 580,000 tons, up 4 percent from 2015. The California Freestone crop is forecast at 260 thousand tons, up 3 percent from last season. In early-May, Snow Angel peaches were being harvested and shipped. The California Clingstone crop is forecast at 320 thousand tons, up 5 percent from 2015. Growers reported full bloom occurred in late-February, slightly earlier than last year. The crop has been rated as good in all areas of the State. Irrigation districts have increased their surface water deliveries to growers this year due to a wet winter.

Spring Potatoes – The 2016 Spring Potato crop forecast is 10.1 million cwt., up 3.7 percent from last year. Planted acres are estimated at 25.0 thousand and harvested is estimated at 24.7 thousand acres, resulting in a yield of 410 cwt. per acre.

Wheat – The 2016 Winter wheat production forecast is 468 thousand tons, up 48.6 percent from last year. Harvested acres are estimated at 200 thousand, resulting in a yield of 2.34 tons per acre. The 2016 Durum wheat production forecast is 183 thousand tons, down 1 percent from 2015. Harvested acres are estimated at 55.0 thousand, with a yield of 3.33 tons per acre. In Southern California, harvest is expected to begin in mid-May.

Production forecasts are released on a monthly basis and do not reflect final production estimates. The next production forecast will be issued June 10, 2016.

Read the full USDA Pacific Region Crop Production Report. (.pdf)