Crop Production Forecast

DanGeneral, Industry News Release

Vineyard of Napa in California.
The USDA, NASS, Pacific Regional Office today released the crop production forecast for August. The latest survey, conducted during the last week of July and the first week of August, included the following commodities:


– Upland cotton production in California is forecast at 195 thousand bales, an increase of 18 percent from last year. Harvested acreage is estimated at 54 thousand acres, resulting in a yield of 1,733 pounds per acre. California’s American Pima cotton production forecast is 490 thousand bales, up 36 percent from last year. Harvested acreage is estimated at 153 thousand acres, resulting in a yield of 1,537 pounds per acre.


– California’s 2016 apple crop forecast is 105 thousand tons, up 44 percent from 2015.


– California’s wine type grape production is forecast at 3.90 million tons, up 5 percent from 2015, and represents 57 percent of California’s total grape crop. California’s raisin type grape production is forecast at 1.75 million tons, down 13 percent from last year, and represents 25 percent of California’s total grape crop. California’s table type grape production is forecast at 1.25 million tons, up 10 percent from the previous year.


– The forecast of the 2016 Bartlett pear crop in California is 164.0 thousand tons, a decrease of 5 percent from last year. The 2016 other pear forecast for California is 33.0 thousand tons, up 10 percent from 2015.


– The forecast of the 2016 peach crop in California is 580 thousand tons, a decrease of 5 percent from last year. The 2016 Clingstone peach forecast for California is 320 thousand tons, down 6.0 percent from 2015. The 2016 Freestone peach forecast for California is 260 thousand tons, down 3 percent from 2015. In California,
Clingstone full bloom occurred in late-February, slightly earlier than last year. Grower comments indicated the crop was looking good in all areas of the State. Irrigation districts have increased their surface water deliveries to growers this year due to a wet winter. Freestone full bloom occurred approximately a week ahead of schedule with fruit set reported as variable. Some growers reported below average yield due to a warm winter and lack of water.

Other Crops

– The rice production forecast is 49.2 million cwt., up 31 percent from 2015; alfalfa hay is 5.83 million tons, up 7 percent; other hay is 1.45 million tons, up 9 percent; corn for grain is 389 thousand tons, up 47 percent; sugar beets are 1.11 million tons, up 2 percent; dry beans are 1.07 million cwt., up 4 percent; oats are 12.8 thousand tons, up 33 percent from 2015. Barley is 43.2 thousand tons, up 31 percent from 2015.

Nevada alfalfa hay production is forecast at 1.01 million tons, an increase of 18 percent from a year ago.

Hawaii sugarcane forecast is 1.37 million tons, up 3 percent from 2015. Hawaii coffee production is estimated at 7.60 million pounds (parchment basis) for the 2015-2016 season, up 1 percent from the previous season. Area harvested totaled 6,900 acres, down 900 acres from the previous year.

Production forecasts are released on a monthly basis and do not reflect final production estimates. Late summer and fall harvests may change these forecasts considerably. The next production forecast will be issued September 12, 2016.