
Court Dismisses Environmental Challenge to Sites Reservoir

Brian GermanAgri-Business, Water

The Sites Reservoir Project is moving forward after a judge dismissed a lawsuit from environmental groups. The project is backed by President Joe Biden, Governor Gavin Newsom, and various water agencies.

Sites Reservoir

Environmental groups, including Friends of the River and the Center for Biological Diversity, had argued that the project would harm endangered fish by diverting too much water from the Sacramento River. However, the court disagreed and found that the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Sites project was legally adequate. Environmentalists expressed disappointment in the ruling, stating their intention to continue objecting to the project being built.

Construction of Sites Reservoir is scheduled to start in 2026 and finish by 2032. Thus far the project has received significant funding support, including $519 million from the federal government, a $2.2 billion EPA loan, and $875 million from state funds.

Listen to the report below.

Brian German
Ag News Director / AgNet West