Cotton Forecast Up Despite Low Water

Taylor HillmanCotton, Drought, Water

cotton projections
California cotton projections show a rare increase even with the low water allocations on the west side of the Central Valley.

Cotton Projections High Despite Low Water

California Cotton Ginners and Growers Associations President and CEO Roger Isom says they expect to see an increase in the state’s cotton production for the first time in many years. “This year we’ve got a little bit of water, but because of the other commodity prices are such that we are actually going to see a 20 percent increase in production,” Isom says. “It’s the first time in five years that we’ll see an increase.”

Isom says the increase is positive news, even after growers on the west side of the Central Valley were told that their water allocations would be severely limited again this year. “It’s kind of incredible when you see the rain we had this year,” Isom says. “Understanding the drought situation but also understanding the amount of water that could have been diverted without any issues, basically it’s inconceivable how we could only get a five percent water allocation.”