Cotton Growers Forced to Adapt

Taylor HillmanCotton, Drought, Water

Cotton growers
California cotton is forecast to have a big year, but how can that be with the limited water cotton growers are getting?

Cotton Growers Forced to Adapt

California cotton growers have been forced to adapt and be as precise as possible with their available resources. “Precise is the right word,” says California Cotton Ginners and Growers Association President Roger Isom. “We grow the highest quality, highest yielding cotton in the world. I’m not saying that just because I represent California cotton growers, I’m saying that because it’s the truth. We have the best climatic conditions and soil in the world but because of the circumstances here we have had to adapt and learn to grow under these conditions.”

Isom says their growers have had no choice but to be more precise with the limited water allocations. “It’s not like we are wasting water,” Isom says. “We’re growing cotton on two to two and a half acre feet of water with buried drip. We can do it better than anyone else in the world. We understand what it takes and we aren’t wasting water. For us, to see all that water go out under the Golden Gate Bridge is unbelievable.”