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Cotton Acreage Up with Record Prices But Short of Potential Due to Water

Brian GermanCotton, Radio Reports, Water

Cotton Acreage
Photo by Tijana Drndarski on Pexels.com
Cotton Acreage

Although cotton acreage looks to be increasing this year, there was significantly more potential for the industry had it not been for the current condition of California water supplies. According to the preliminary planting intentions survey conducted by the California Cotton Ginners and Growers Association (CCGGA), cotton acreage is expected to be approximately 132,000 acres. The figure represents an increase of more than 10,000 acres over 2021. CCGGA President and CEO Roger Isom said that demand has picked up substantially for cotton after disruptions related to COVID, which is helping push prices.

“Cotton acreage this year is up 10 percent which if we had the water, we’d probably be up 100 percent. But we just don’t have the water this year. It’s the third year of a drought with a lot of the high impact areas already implementing SGMA restrictions and pumping restrictions,” said Isom. “Cotton prices right now are at record highs. Pima is over $3 a pound and upland is up over $1. Those are prices we’ve never seen before.”

Listen to the radio report below.

Cotton Acreage Up with Record Prices But Short of Potential Due to Water
About the Author

Brian German

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Ag News Director, AgNet West