COOL Tariffs Could Begin Next Week

Taylor HillmanCattle, General, Hogs & Pork

COOL tariffs
COOL tariffs could begin very soon. The World Trade organization will officially authorize Canada and Mexico to retaliate against the United States County-of-Origin meat labeling later this week.

COOL tariffs could begin next week

Following a WTO meeting, retaliations could come as early as Friday, but appear more likely to start next week at the earliest. Both countries plan to use the carousel process in that products can be added and removed for tariffs as needed to cause the most political pain, according to a Washington D.C. lobbying firm. The WTO ruled earlier this month Canada and Mexico can impose $1.01 billion in tariffs because of losses caused by the U.S. COOL law. Canada and Mexico in a joint statement called on Congress to repeal country-of-origin labeling requirements for beef and pork to avoid retaliation. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said, “We would rather not have to engage in retaliatory measures, but we certainly will stand up for our farmers, stand up for Canadians who have been unfairly addressed and affected by this legislation.” Work continues, with little time left, on the omnibus spending bill in Congress that could include a repeal of COOL.