south dakota COOL labeling

COOL Not on the Agenda for Trump

DanIndustry News Release

COOL labeling
Country-of-Origin meat labeling will not be making a comeback under a Trump administration. Politico reports that Trump’s Agriculture Advisory Committee was quick to mobilize and inform Trump’s transition team that such a policy — which has been litigated in both the U.S. court system and the World Trade Organization — is a non-starter for most farm groups. Leaked portions of Trump’s plan for his first 100 days in office highlighted a provision to potentially include COOL in a renegotiation of NAFTA. Farm groups from Canada threatened trade retaliation if COOL in the U.S. were to be reinstated. But a spokesperson for Trump’s Agriculture Advisory Committee said no one knows how COOL got into the plan, adding COOL is “dead as a doornail.”

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.