COOL: WTO to Announce Retaliation

Taylor HillmanCattle, Dairy & Livestock, General, Hogs & Pork, Poultry

COOL meat counter
The World Trade Organization will announce retaliation levels against the United States under Country of Origin Labeling next week. Micheal Clements reports.

WTO to Announce COOL Retaliation
For the full story, listen to the report above.

The WTO arbitration panel on retaliation will issue its official ruling on December 7th. The ruling, which has been delayed from an initial November deadline, will determine the level of retaliation tariffs Canada and Mexico can issue. Nick Giordano of the National Pork Producers Council says retaliatory actions are likely to quickly follow the WTO announcement.

Through the inaction by the United States, time is out for a chance to make COOL WTO compliant.

Giordano points to comments by House Agriculture Chair Mike Conaway who said the Senate should vote as the House did earlier this year to repeal COOL, followed by a notice and comment period on what an acceptable approach on labeling will be, allowing everyone to weigh-in.