One of the continuing issues being tracked by the California Farm Labor Contractor Association (CFLCA) is the ongoing challenge with farm labor contractor licensing. CFLCA Executive Director Nigel Bocanegra said that many individuals are operating on one- and three-month extensions. The process to continually get further extensions is unnecessarily burdensome. Bocanegra explained that prior to the pandemic, individuals were generally only having to renew once a year. There has also been a lack of access to the necessary exams, further complicating the licensing process.
“It’s not surprising if the administration is having to process individuals four times more often than they previously would have, or in some cases, 12 times as often. That’s adding a significant burden to what they have to be doing as far as the processing goes,” Bocanegra explained. “We’ve heard from DIR many of the steps that they are taking to alleviate some of these delays and we certainly hope to see that work itself out or improve in a significant way in the early part of next year. But that is certainly something that we are watching as we come into the new year.”
Listen to the radio report below.