
Consider Growing Leeks in Your Garden

DanThis Land of Ours, Vegetables


Cathy Isom fills you in on why you should consider growing Leeks in your garden. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Consider Growing Leeks in Your Garden

Leeks are a member of Allium genus and belong in every garden as a mellower, sweeter alternative to its cousin the onion.

Leeks are great to use as a substitute for onions in dishes if you have an intolerance for onions. They’re also great sauteed with olive oil.

Growing leeks requires a bit more patience than other vegetables, but the payoff is well worth it. There’s some misconception that growing leeks is a tough job. However, the plants have few problems and aren’t particularly fussy. The biggest challenge is providing them with enough growing time to reach maturity.

There are several leek varieties to choose from, such as the American Flag, Bandit, Striker, Lancelot, and Rally.

In colder climates, start leeks indoors before the first frost. In warmer climates, you can direct sow leeks. These white-stemmed plants need full sun to grow – at least 8 hours a day. You’ll get a single leek from one seed, so you’ll need to plan to plant multiple for a sizeable harvest.

I’m Cathy Isom…