
Concerns About Integrity as Organic Production Gets Easier

DanFruits & Vegetables, Organic

organic productionOrganic production has grown significantly in recent years and that growth of the industry has created some concern for the future. Long time organic growers want the industry to remain true to its roots as larger farms continue moving into the sector.

“Some of the larger guys that have the power to go and lobby for more inputs to be used in organic production are being admitted,” said Javier Zamora of JSM Organics in Monterey County. “Unfortunately, it’s kind of bad because if we keep pleasing the larger guys, in 20 years perhaps the organic food might not be as good as it is now.”

Zamora noted that not all of the increased interest in organic production from larger farming operations has been negative, but there is some worry about what it might mean for the industry long-term. “I think we should stay true to what organic is, with the rules that have been written for many years and should not be bended or eliminated,” said Zamora, “otherwise the integrity of organic will be lost.”

Concerns About Integrity as Organic Production Gets Easier

About the Author

Brian German

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Ag News Director, AgNet West