Pruitt senate

Committee Vote on EPA Chief Delayed

DanIndustry News Release

committee Pruitt senate


A boycott Wednesday led the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee to delay a vote on Scott Pruitt’s nomination to head the Environmental Protection Agency. The committee’s 10 Democrats did not attend the meeting, saying they are “deeply concerned” about a lack of thoroughness of Pruitt’s responses to their questions. Pruitt has fielded more than 1,200 question for the committee, but the committee’s Democrats said Pruitt still has not provided a number of documents requested about his time as attorney general of Oklahoma, according to DTN. As Oklahoma Attorney General, Pruitt was engaged in lawsuits against the EPA, including one over the EPA Waters of the U.S. rule. While the committee’s Republicans ridiculed their counterparts, Republicans held a similar boycott during the Barack Obama administration over then EPA Administrator nominee Gina McCarthy.

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.