Comment Period Closing Soon for Proposed Changes to Rodenticide Use

Brian GermanAgri-Business, Regulation

Back in November of 2022, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed sweeping changes to parameters for rodenticide use. A 75-day public comment that was subsequently opened will close on February 13. Proposed Interim Decisions (PIDs) have been issued for 11 rodenticide active ingredients. If the proposed changes to rodenticide rules are to become effective, the management of rodents will change dramatically.

Rodenticide Use

UC Davis Professor of Cooperative Extension, Roger A. Baldwin, and Cooperative Extension Advisor with UC South Coast Research and Extension Center, Niamh Quinn have outlined some of the changes put forth in the PIDs. The authors note that “these proposed changes are likely to have a substantial impact on the use of rodenticides in agricultural settings.” Applications of rodenticide would be prohibited above ground in rangeland, pastureland, and fallow land under the proposals. Only bait stations would be allowed for controlling squirrels and voles. Within-burrow applications of first-generation anticoagulants (FGARs) would be prohibited for pocket gophers for much of the year under the PIDs. Certain crops like citrus and alfalfa would no longer allow FGARs at all.

EPA recently denied a request to extend the comment period that was made by several organizations including the American Farm Bureau Federation, Rodenticide Task Force, and National Pest Management Association. The Rodenticide Task Force has also provided an informational document breaking down what the PIDs entail. All rodenticides would be classified as Restricted Use Pesticides, requiring applicators to be certified. There will also be increased recordkeeping requirements, encompassing actions as simple as bait station refilling.

Altogether, the PIDs represent the most sizable changes to rodenticide use regulations in 15 years. The Rodenticide Task Force has also developed a website that organizes all of the available documentation related to the PIDs. There is also a clear portal for how to submit comments prior to the deadline of Monday, February 13, 2023.

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Brian German

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Ag News Director, AgNet West