Temperatures Positive for Citrus

DanCitrus, Industry News Release, Weather


Weekend Cold Temperatures Appear Positive for Central Valley Citrus Crop

Temperatures dipped under 30 degrees over this holiday weekend throughout the Central Valley.

For orange growers, the colder temperatures were a welcomed change from last year’s unseasonable warm winter. Temperatures in the coldest areas of the Valley dropped to 27 and 28 degrees for a very short time. This is ideal this early in the navel season as it improves fruit color and flavor.

The Valley’s growing mandarin crop, which is traditionally less cold-tolerant, appears to be unscathed by the recent cold weather. Mandarin growers in Kern, Tulare, Fresno, and Madera counties report running wind machines on Saturday and Sunday nights to push temperatures up in the groves. A strong inversion layer in many areas also helped keep temperatures manageable.

If this weekend’s temperatures are a sign of what’s to come this winter, it could mean good things for the Valley’s citrus crop.

California Citrus Mutual will continue to release statements following cold weather incidents for the remainder of the season.