Island Coffee Crop Acreage Down

Taylor HillmanPest Update, Specialty Crops, Weather

coffee crop
Could we be facing a coffee shortage in the near future? Another coffee crop is down due to a major pest and weather events that disrupted the season.

The latest report on Hawaii’s coffee crop shows a drop in some numbers. The final Hawaii utilized coffee production is estimated at 34.7 million pounds (by cherry basis) for the 2015-2016 season, a five percent decrease from the previous season. Bearing acreage totaled 6,900 acres, down 900 acres from the prior season. Weather events and coffee berry borer (CBB) damage accounted for the drop in acreage.

The coffee berry borer is a native of Central Africa, but is now found throughout nearly all coffee-producing countries in the world.

There are some good numbers however. Average yield is at 5,300 pounds per acre, up 580 pounds from the previous season. The statewide farm price for coffee averaged $1.56 per pound a drop of nine percent from the previous season’s price of $1.72 per pound. The value of utilized production for coffee is estimated at $54.2 million for this season, 14 percent less than last season’s $62.6 million. CBB remains a concern for the industry, though controlling measures are showing signs of progress.