Clinton, Trump Campaigns Talk Agriculture

DanIndustry News Release

Ag advisers from the Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump campaigns took center stage at a recent forum on American agricultural issues. Ag topics haven’t been front and center in the campaign, so Farm Journal Media and Farm Foundation put together the forum with the goal of highlighting important rural issues. An Ag Web dot Com article said former Deputy Secretary of Agriculture Kathleen Merrigan represented the Clinton campaign. Sam Clovis, the campaign co-chair, represented the Trump campaign. The next Farm Bill was a major topic of discussion, with both campaign representatives saying the Farm Title and Nutrition Title should be kept together. Some of the other topics centered around regulations on agriculture, including the “Waters of the U.S. Rule.” Trade was another hot topic at the forum. Merrigan called for more “detailed discussions because regulations are not a bad thing.” She said regulations give certainty to businesses, level the playing field, and give confidence to the American public. On the other hand, Clovis said regulations impose themselves on smaller enterprises, and “when you write regulations to re-impose regulations, you take away competitive advantages.”

From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service.