low maintenance

Clean Air Houseplants Needed for the New Year

DanEnvironment, This Land of Ours

clean airEveryone loves to have good, clean air to breath. Cathy Isom has the ten houseplants you need to have in the new year! That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Clean Air Houseplants Needed for the New Year

Now that all of the holiday decorations are down and all put away it’s time to bring back the houseplants. Or perhaps add even more of them to your living space. Not only do those crisp green leaves add beauty indoors, they are known to enhance creativity, promote wellness and purify the air.

clean airFor easier breathing in the new year, the recommended rule of thumb is one houseplant every 100 square feet. And these ten plants are must haves if you’re looking to purify the air. English Ivy, Peace Lily, Bamboo Palm, Ficus, Dracaena, Chrysanthemum, Golden Pothos, Snake Plant, Spider Plant, and Aloe.

Many of these are low maintenance and do a great job of cleaning the toxins out of the air in your home.

I’m Cathy Isom…