Through Nufarm TreeFirst, citrus growers may qualify for Mycoshield® treatment at no cost. Growers purchasing a minimum of 1,000 citrus trees for planting from participating nurseries will qualify for Mycoshield bactericide to treat their trees.
Combined with sound agronomic practices, preventive treatments with Mycoshield are proven to suppress HLB (or citrus greening) and offer the best way to ensure healthy, productive trees.
“Generally, growers are reporting visual improvement in tree health and research consultants working with Nufarm on Florida trials are observing similar patterns,” says citrus expert Bob Bruss. “We expect tree health to show continued improvement the second year of treatment due to cumulative bactericide HLB-suppressive effects.”
This is especially important for young trees, which ‘flush’ more frequently and are more vulnerable to infection via psyllid activity. Asian citrus psyllids, the vector of HLB, feed almost exclusively on new growth. Implementing an integrated tree health program based on frequent applications of Mycoshield coupled with a psyllid control program offers citrus growers the best opportunity for healthy, productive groves.
Through Nufarm TreeFirst, you may qualify for Mycoshield® treatment at no cost. Check out Nufarm TreeFirst program details.
Mycoshield is EPA approved for use on citrus fruit crops in Nevada, Texas, Arizona, and Florida through June 28, 2020 per a Section 3 (c)(5) supplemental label. Mycoshield is also a valuable tool to control fire blight in apples and pears and bacterial spot in peaches and nectarines. When used in conjunction with other products, it is particularly useful in resistance management programs. Learn more about Mycoshield.