chicken consumption

Chicken Consumption Study

DanPoultry, This Land of Ours

Whether at home or out on the town – nine in ten consumers are purchasing chicken regularly. Cathy Isom looks into why Americans are eating chicken in record amounts these days. That story’s ahead on This Land of Ours.

Chicken Consumption Study

From: National Chicken Council

Chicken Consumption Continues to Soar in the U.S.

US chicken consumption remains high with 2016 levels surpassing those from the previous two years, according to new research presented today at the 2016 Chicken Marketing Summit.

Roasted Chicken grillIn the two weeks leading up to the survey, 87% of consumers ate a chicken meal or snack purchased from a supermarket and 72% ate a chicken meal or snack from a food service establishment. While supermarket numbers increased 2.4% and are now at parity with those seen in 2015, food service establishment consumption shows a noteworthy 7.5% increase from 2015.

The survey was commissioned by the National Chicken Council and conducted online by ORC International June 6 – 9, 2016, among 1,017 adults.  Funding was provided by Elanco and WATT Global Media.  A full copy is available by clicking here.

Fresh Fried Chicken on Blue Plaid PlacematConsumers’ taste for chicken shows no signs of waning.  In the next 12 months, 21% of consumers anticipate eating more chicken from the supermarket and 14% anticipate eating more from a food service establishment.  In fact, according to U.S. Department of Agriculture estimates, Americans will eat 92 pounds of chicken per person this year, a record amount.

“People are buying more chicken than last year and plan to buy more next year,” said Tom Super, Senior Vice President of Communications at the National Chicken Council.  “Chicken tops the list of protein being consumed most often per week.  And while retail sales continue to be strong, the survey shows that more people are eating chicken away from home, which is good news for chicken producers, food service establishments and the overall economy.”

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