U.S. Chicken Consumption Continues to Increase

Taylor HillmanGeneral, Industry News Release, Poultry

chicken consumptionChicken consumption in the United States continues to increase, according to the National Chicken Council. New research announced Monday at the 2016 Chicken Marketing Summit shows nine out of ten consumers frequently consume chicken.

NCC commissioned the study in June. The results found in the two weeks leading up to the survey, 87 percent of consumers ate a chicken meal or snack purchased from a supermarket and 72 percent ate a chicken meal or snack from a food service establishment. Just more than 1,000 consumers participated in the survey that shows in the next 12 months, 21 percent of consumers anticipate eating more chicken from the supermarket, and 14 percent anticipate eating more from a food service establishment. Consumers with the highest consumption levels tend to skew younger with larger households. Among gender, total chicken consumption was split right down the middle – 50 percent female and 50 percent male.


From the National Association of Farm Broadcasting news service