Changing Consumer Food Trends

DanThis Land of Ours

New year, new consumer food trends. Cathy Isom has more on this coming up on This Land of Ours.

Changing Consumer Food Trends

If there is one thing we can predict about the New Year, Americans will continue to eat. Where those meals come from and what will tempt the consumer to buy such foods, is another story. According to the NPD Group, a leading global information company tracking food and beverage consumption, these five eating attitudes and behaviors to are expected this year.

The first: the battle for “share of the stomach” will intensify.

For several years now, more than 80% of meals have been sourced from home; fewer than 20% sourced from foodservice, and dollars are evenly split between the two. NPD says food manufacturers will benefit from a trend toward eating meals at home by capitalizing on consumers’ desires for fresh, authentic foods.

Number two: The “blended meal” will continue to develop.

Because consumers prefer dining at home, with value added fresh authentic foods, but still want convenience, NPD says meal kits and restaurant delivery will be a big hit this year.

Number 3: Companies will win with consumers by getting personal.

Because consumers will be looking for foods with a variety of value-added attributes – positive benefits, as well as social value.

Number 4: Meal occasions and how between-meal occasions are composed will continue to change.

And lastly: Experience will make the difference.

To stand out, NPD suggested food manufacturers, retailers and foodservice operators go beyond sustenance. And to remember that the consumers are the ones in charge.

I’m Cathy Isom…