Cevya Fungicide Combats Disease in Variety of California Crops

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Cevya fungicide from BASF is now available for California growers to fight diseases in a multitude of crops. The product received registration approval from the California Department of Pesticide Regulation back in November. BASF Technical Service Representative Dr. Kevin Caffrey said Cevya fungicide was “many years in the making.” Growers of tree nuts, grapes, stone fruit, and pome fruit now have another option available to combat diseases like brown rot, shothole, scab, and Phomopsis.

“It’s a brand-new innovation from BASF, really setting a brand-new standard for fungicide control of key diseases like Alternaria and powdery mildew,” Caffrey explained. “We are very excited about Ceyva. It’s going to fit a broad spectrum of diseases you have and is really going to complement Merivon and your current other offerings to be a full complex disease management tool for California growers.”