crunchy snack

Celebrating a Popular Crunchy Snack

DanCorn, This Land of Ours

crunchy snackCathy Isom has a few popping tidbits about the popular crunchy snack you’ll want to get your hands on today. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Don’t let this day slip through your fingers. It’s National Popcorn Day. A day to celebrate a time-honored treat can be enjoyed sweet or savory, caramelized, buttered or plain. Molded into a candied ball or tossed with nuts and chocolate.

Popcorn started becoming popular in the United States in the middle 18-hundreds. It wasn’t until Charles Cretors, a candy-store owner, developed a machine for popping corn with steam that the tasty treat became more abundantly poppable.

Popcorn has another romance that may have had a slow start but eventually took off. Today, who can image going to the movies without getting a box of buttered popcorn. For a small fortune, of course. The next significant advancement for popcorn was the invention of the microwave.

Today, Americans consume 13 billion quarts of popcorn a year, more than any other country in the world.

Celebrate with your favorite popcorn, take a photo and share on social media using #NationalPopcornDay.

I’m Cathy Isom…