pepper varieties

Celebrating National Pepper Month

DanFruits & Vegetables, This Land of Ours

pepperCathy Isom fills you in about a crunchy, appetizing food that you may or may not think of as a fruit. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Celebrating National Pepper Month

November is National Pepper month. A time to recognize these vibrant colored, crunchy, appetizing fruits. Yes, peppers are fruits, not vegetables, because of the seeds they contain.

Peppers can be enjoyed plain as a healthy snack, or as additions to sweet and salty meals. They’re related to chili peppers, tomatoes, and breadfruit. Pepper comes in a variety of beautiful, vibrant colors like bright red, green, yellow, and orange.

Add peppers to your daily or weekly diet this month for a healthy, fresh addition. They’re low in calories, so you can eat a whole cup of them and it’ll only add up to about 45 calories. Plus, if you do that, you’ll get more than the recommended amount of vitamin A and C in a day. They keep your skin youthful and glowing with all the vitamin C they carry. Eating peppers can reduce bad cholesterol, control diabetes, bring pain relief, and reduce inflammation.

I’m Cathy Isom…