regenerative agriculture

Celebrate the First Annual California Soils Week

Brian GermanGeneral, Industry

The inaugural California Soils Week featured multiple events in northern and southern California.  The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) has teamed up with government partners, non-governmental organizations and the private sector to raise awareness of soil health.

California Soils WeekThe theme for the week was “Healthy Soils, Healthy Lives,” with California’s celebration coinciding with World Soils Day on December 5.  The theme was chosen to highlight the role that California soil plays in feeding the world, water conservation, improving air quality and combating climate changing.

“California Soils Week will highlight all the remarkable gifts healthy soils have to offer,” said CDFA Secretary Karen Ross.  “We hope that by telling the story of California soil we can help Californians better understand how vital it truly is.”

The events for the week began with information panels titled Viewing Healthy Soils outside the governor’s office at the State Capitol.

Tuesday, December 5 featured an international webinar that is being presented on climate-smart agriculture.  There was a discussion on barriers and strategies, along with success stories that are related to soil health.  There was also a legislative briefing on healthy soils at the State Capitol later in the afternoon.

Food Waste and Compost Day was recognized on Wednesday, December 6.  There was soil drop and compost education outreach made to the legislature at the State Capitol.  There was also a compost and farm tour for legislative staff in the afternoon at Jepson Prarie Organics in Vacaville and Sierra Orchards in Winters.

Thursday, December 7 is recognized as Urban Agriculture and Community Gardens Day, which features an urban farm tour at GrowGood Farms in Bell and a Sacramento Food Policy Council meeting in the evening

Social media postings for the first annual California Soils Week will be identified with #CASoilsWeek, #Healthy, #Soil.