Technical Review Committee Members Wanted for 2016 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program
California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) Secretary Karen Ross is welcoming volunteers with knowledge and expertise regarding the California specialty crop industry to serve as reviewers on the 2016 Specialty Crop Block Grant Program Technical Review Committee. This committee reviews, evaluates, and makes recommendations to CDFA on proposals to California’s Specialty Crop Block Grant Program (SCBGP).
The SCBGP is an annual competitive solicitation process designed to enhance the competitiveness of California specialty crops. Specialty crops include fruits and vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, horticulture, and nursery crops (including floriculture). Grant awards will range from $50,000 to $450,000 per project and projects may last for up to two years and six months.
The Technical Review Committee consists of representatives from government and non-government organizations. Technical Review Committee members will meet three times between January and May 2016 to make recommendations on concept and grant proposals. By establishing the Technical Review Committee, CDFA maintains a competitive process to ensure maximum public input and benefit.
All individuals interested in serving on the Technical Review Committee must submit a completed application form and a copy of their résumé to before 5 p.m. on December 10, 2015. Please reference page two of the application form for requirements and restrictions.
The application form must identify at least one of the following SCBGP funding categories related to the applicant’s area of expertise:
I. A. Market Enhancement: California Grown Promotion
I. B. Market Enhancement: Market Expansion and Access
II. A. Training and Education: Specialty Crop Nutrition Education
II. B. Training and Education: Equipping Current and Next Generation Specialty Crop Farmers
III. A. Research: Environmental Stewardship and Conservation
III. B. Research: Plant Health and Pest Management
For a description of each funding category, please reference the 2016 SCBGP Request for Concept Proposals. The application form and the 2016 SCBGP Request for Concept Proposals can be found on the SCBGP website at Prospective applicants may contact CDFA’s Office of Grants Administration at (916) 657-3231 or for additional information.