
CDFA and UC-ANR to Conduct Regional Pre-Harvest Water Assessment Workshops

DanEducation, Event

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The California Department of Food and Agriculture (CDFA) and the University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources (UC/ANR) to conduct regional pre-harvest water assessment workshops for farms subject to the Produce Safety Rule. These workshops, led by CDFA inspectors and UC/ANR staff, will cover water assessment requirements and offer Q&A sessions.

CDFA and UC-ANR to Conduct Regional Pre-Harvest Water Assessment Workshops

Lessons Learned from Recent Pre Harvest Agricultural Water Outreach

Produce Safety Alliance

During this webinar, PSA shared lessons learned during recent Pre-Harvest Agricultural Water Outreach efforts, including Frequently Asked Questions and interesting takeaways. After sharing our experiences, participants were welcomed to share their experiences teaching the revised Subpart E requirements. We recognize that many PSA Trainers are actively delivering Revised Module 5-1 and responding to Subpart E questions so this was a chance to compare notes. We also shared new agricultural water recordkeeping resources, such as an agricultural water assessment template and the newly revised agricultural water systems inspection template.