CDFA Announces New Grant Funding Opportunity for Nitrogen Management Research

Taylor HillmanGeneral

The California Department of Food and Agriculture’s Fertilizer Research and Education Program (FREP) is currently accepting full proposals for a 2015 special grant on nitrogen management research. This grant opportunity is independent of the previously announced request for concept proposals regarding the use of fertilizing materials and nutrient management in California croplands.

The 2015 Special Request for Proposals (RFP) focuses on nitrogen management in environmentally sensitive areas of California. Among the announced topics, there is emphasis on concurrent management of water and nitrate in croplands to prevent nitrate leaching and nitrous oxide emission. Proposals on employment of easy-to-use technology at the field-scale and development of integrated water and nutrient management tools are also encouraged.

In particular, FREP seeks proposals on nitrogen management training for growers. Another priority area is the development and submission of proposals that will demonstrate effective nutrient management practices that have been developed through experimental research trials (e.g., prior FREP research findings). These demonstrations should implement practices at the field scale in organic and conventional fertilizers.

Applicants are invited to submit full proposals to FREP by March 3, 2015. Proposals submitted should be in line with at least one of the program’s identified special priority research areas. Further information on the 2015 FREP special request for concept proposals, including timelines, application criteria, and priority research areas are available at:

Since 1990, the Fertilizer Research and Education Program has funded more than 160 research projects focusing on California’s important and environmentally sensitive cropping systems. A database of completed and ongoing research is publically available at:

In collaboration with the University of California Davis, FREP is developing fertilization guidelines for major crops grown in California. The guidelines are uploaded on a flow basis and are available to growers and crop advisors through this web-based platform: