CDFA Secretary Karen Ross and number of California agricultural organizations submitted the following invitation letter to USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue and U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lightizer inviting them to visit California for trade discussions.
As the nation’s largest agricultural producer and exporter, California’s farmers and ranchers are an important constituency for the promotion and expansion of free and fair trade for the United States. Our unique agricultural diversity, representing more than 400 different agricultural products, makes market access issues along with sanitary and phytosanitary measures key priorities for our growers and manufacturers.
In working collaboratively with the Administration to enhance and expand our global trade ties, California’s agricultural community would like to extend an invitation to you, or an appropriate designee, to visit our state and meet with our agricultural representatives. This trip will allow the opportunity to visit farming operations as well as discuss trade priorities with California’s agricultural trade stakeholders – representing more than 30 agricultural boards, commissions, marketing orders, cooperatives and associations.
We look forward to working with you in expanding the nation’s agricultural trade outlook while also protecting our farmers, ranchers and farmworkers from unfair and non-reciprocal trade relationships.
We, the undersigned, are hopeful for the opportunity to share our outlook and priorities for the nation’s trade agenda with you in the coming months.