California CCA Exam Signup Open

Taylor HillmanIndustry News Release, Pest Update

Farmers in cornfield using electronic tablet
Crop advisers in California and Arizona have the opportunity to register for the August 5, 2016 CCA Exam until June 24, 2106. The exam will be given in Sacramento, Tulare, Ventura and Yuma.

Registration for the exam is available at

More than 1000 active Certified Crop Advisors (CCAs) in California and Arizona are playing an important role assisting growers with the efficient and environmentally sound use of fertilizer and crop management. Many California CCAs recently completed the University of California/California Department of Food and Agriculture Nutrient Management Training Course which qualified them to complete nitrogen management plans for growers that are or will be required by the various California Regional Water Quality Boards.

“Crop consultants are encouraged to become CCA s to show that they have the commitment, education, expertise, and experience to make a difference in a client’s business. The CCA certification is largest, most recognized agriculturally-oriented program in North America. An exam preparation course has been scheduled in Sacramento on June 24 to help candidates prepare for the test”, said California CCA Chairman, Fred Strauss, Crop Production Services. Registration for the exam prep course is available at,-2016-ca-cca-exam-preparatory-workshop.

More information on the California CCA program is at You can contact Steve Beckley at (916)539-4107 or for more information. The California CCA Program is also on Facebook.