
Cattlemen’s College Set For New Orleans in January

DanCattle, Education, Industry News Release

Event in New Orleans Jan. 29-30, 2019, will give Producers a Leg Up in Cattle Industry

collegeStaying a step ahead in the cattle industry is no small challenge. Cattlemen and women looking to find that extra step will be attending the 2019 Cattlemen’s College in New Orleans, La., Jan. 29-30.

More than a thousand producers are expected to attend the event, sponsored by Zoetis and produced by the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association. It is being presented in conjunction with the 2019 Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show.

A highlight of the event will be a Jan. 29 afternoon session that features Dr. Temple Grandin conducting a cattle handling and facility design presentation. A reception will follow that afternoon, with a full slate of concurrent educational sessions to follow the morning of Jan. 30.

Keynote speaker at the Cattlemen’s College Opening General Session Jan. 30 will be Bill Cordingley, managing director and head of the Chicago office of RaboBank Wholesale Banking North America. He will speak on “Greater Expectations, Bigger Opportunities,” touching on the different forces that work together to yield a complex demand story for beef. Beef for the Opening General Session breakfast is being provided by Certified Angus Beef.

Eight Cattlemen’s College session tracks will follow, including business, cattle health, genetics, nutrition, reproduction, grazing management, consumer interest, and industry hot topics. Because many sessions run concurrently, attendees will be able to view videos of missed sessions online following the college.

For the second year, the college begins with a special Producer’s Choice collection of sessions Jan. 29. An online vote conducted prior to the schedule finalization determined that three educational sessions will be offered for a “first look”: Programming Your Cow Herd for SuccessUnraveling Secrets of the Rumen, and Practical Management to Reduce Disease Challenges.

Overall, the 2019 Cattlemen’s College will feature an impressive collection of the beef industry’s most talented, experienced people with impressive presentation skills, according to Josh White, NCBA executive director of producer education. He says thought-provoking sessions will also spark discussions that lead to innovation and advancement in what has become a rapidly changing industry.

“Thousands of cattlemen and women through the years have benefited from their attendance at Cattlemen’s College,” says White. “And, each year we learn a little bit more about what works effectively to get the education delivered. We know our 2019 event will be outstanding; a culmination of a quarter century of providing valuable information that makes the cattle industry the best it can be.”

An education package for the 2019 Cattle Industry Convention and NCBA Trade Show, which includes a ticket to Cattlemen’s College, is $1,025. Tickets for Cattlemen’s College alone are $300 per person, and require a two-day or full convention registration. Tickets for students are available for $150.

For more information on the 2019 Cattlemen’s College classes and sessions, go to

Source: National Cattlemen’s Beef Association

Image credits: Images courtesy of National Cattlemen’s Beef Association.