Cattle Price Declines Expected This Year

Taylor HillmanCattle

cattle prices
Early forecasts for 2016 call for more beef output and lower cattle prices, but markets and analysts are awaiting two big USDA reports later this month that could help narrow the forecasts.

Further Cattle Price Declines Expected This Year

“Year-over-year we expect me in production to increase and those cattle prices to soften.” Agriculture Department outlook board chairman Seth Meyer is forecasting beef output to go up almost 4% from last year and steer prices, “We’re out a little over $11 year over year.”

Right now USDA forecasting steers to average almost $237, 100 weight down 7.7% however, don’t carve that in stone. First we had just started 2016 secondly when I put information in a few days, this Friday, cattle feedlot activity and inventory then, the Friday after that January 29th a cattle inventory report covering all cattle all types

“Now this will give us a bit more information so it would be observing this to look at heifers that are out there and what is going on in the market that we don’t see from simply placements in the feedlot. So it’ll be a good report to watch in terms of where this markets headed.”