Cattle Inventories Up from Last Year

Brian GermanDairy & Livestock

The National Agricultural Statistics Service reports as of June 1 inventory of cattle and calves on feed headed for the slaughter market in the U.S. showed an increase compared to last year.  For feedlots with a capacity of 1,000 or more head, overall cattle inventories saw a 3 percent increase from 2016, with 11.1 million head.cattle inventories

There was 2.12 million head placed in feedlots in May, which is a 12 percent increase from last year.  Net placements totaled 2.05 million head.  Steers and heifers headed for slaughter saw a 9 percent increase from May of last year, at 1.95 million head.  Other disappearance in May totaled 70,000 head, down 5 percent from May 2016.

In California, inventory of cattle and calves on feed saw an increase of 6 percent compared to last year, with 440,000 head.  The inventory is a 4 percent increase from May.  There was also 71,000 head placed in feedlots in May, a 31 percent increase from last year.  Steers and heifers shipped out for slaughter totaled 53,000 head in May, up 6 percent from last year.  Other disappearance in May totaled 3,000 head, down 25 percent from May 2016.

All reports are available for free on the NASS website.