How to care and plant a sweet treat. That’s coming up on This Land of Ours.

Sugar Cane is the number one commercially harvested plant in the world. Growing in your home garden is not only possible, it’s also easy. Plus it makes a lovely ornamental, sort of like a mix between a giant grass and bamboo. You can grow this plant all year round, especially if you live in a tropical environment.
Sugarcane loves lots of sun. A little afternoon shade is okay, but not necessary. Plant in late summer so the cane can have time to overwinter and get established. This gives the plant a good seven to eight months of solid growth from early spring to late fall so that you can harvest after a year.
Sugar Cane can also be planted in containers. Use a nutrient-laden soil with lots of nitrogen and phosphorus. Keep the soil consistently moist and add a well-balanced fertilizer to the soil when the stem starts to sprout.
If your sugarcane is an ornamental, you may want to prune it to shape in spring and summer to keep it to your desired height. Sugar cane loves to be planted next to Elderberry, Lemongrass, Comfrey, Sage, Lemon Verbena, and Nasturtiums.
Listen to Cathy Isom’s This Land of Ours program here.
How to Grow Sugar Cane in Your Yard: Getting it Started
Video by: floridabeachhunter